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Transfer er forskningsstidskriftet til European Trade Union Institute for Research, Education and Health and Safety

Transfer 2/2006:
Mobility of services and posted workers in the enlarged Europe

Dette temanummeret kommer 1. juni 2006, og ett eksemplar inngår i konferansepakken på Fafo Østforums årskonferanse "To år etter EU-utvidelsen - visjoner, realiteter og politikk for arbeids- og næringsliv".

Transfer 2/2006 har artikler om temaet "Mobility of services and posted workers in the enlarged Europe". Jon Erik Dølvik og Line Eldring har vært koordinatorer for dette temanummeret, som inneholder artikler av fremtredende europeiske forskere på feltet, blant annet Kerstin Ahlberg, Niklas Bruun, Jonas Malmberg, Jan Cremers og Thomas Blanke.

Mer informasjon om Transfer finner du på ETUIs hjemmeside.

Innholdsfortegnelse for Transfer 2/2006 finner du nedenfor:

Table of contents

Editorial: Mobility of services and posting of workers in the enlarged Europe - challenges for labour market regulation

Main articles

The Vaxholm case from a Swedish and European perspective (Kerstin Ahlberg, Niklas Bruun and Jonas Malmberg)

Free movement of services and equal treatment of workers: the case of construction (Jan Cremers)

The posting of workers in the German construction industry: responses and problems of trade union action (Markus Kahmann)

Posted workers in France (Bruno Lefebvre)

Industrial relations responses to migration and posting of workers after EU enlargement: Nordic trends and differences (Jon Erik Dølvik and Line Eldring)

The Services Directive: the legislative process clears the first hurdle (Wolfgang Kowalsky)

The Viking Case (Thomas Blanke)

News and background

Mobile worker disputes jolt Ireland's 'social partnership' model (Gerald Flynn)

Posted workers: Italian regulation and dilemmas (Massimo Pallini)

Minimum wages in Europe (Thorsten Schulten)

Book reviews

Laima Muktupavela "The Mushroom Covenant: Baltic Blacks among Celts" (Astra Roze)

Note on reading the Lithuanian translation of the The Mushroom Covenant (Gintare Kemekliene)

Thorsten Schulten, Claus Schäfer and Reinhard Bispinck (eds.) "Mindestlöhne in Europa" (Richard Pond)

Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead (ed.) "Working and Employment Conditions in New EU Member States - Convergence or Diversity?" (Hedva Sarfati)

Guillermo de la Dehesa "Winners and Losers in Globalisation" (Thomas Klikauer)


The 'capability approach' as the high road to job quality, freedom of choice and voice. EUROCAP conference, Nantes, 9-10 February 2006 (Hedva Sarfati)

Transnational collective bargaining: a tool in the service of the Lisbon strategy? (Isabelle Schömann)

Coordinators of this issue: Jon Erik Dølvik and Line Eldring


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