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Norge sender årlig en rapport til OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - som et bidrag til OECDs rapporteringssystem for migrasjon, kalt SOPEMI. Rapportene er basert på statistikk fra UDI og SSB, og inneholder statistikk om ulike typer migrasjon (inkludert arbeidsinnvandring), i tillegg til informasjon om integreringspolitikk, utdanning, arbeidsmarkedet, valgdeltakelse, diskriminering og statsborgerskap.
SOPEMI-report for Norway: International Migration 2010-2011. Prepared by the correspondent to SOPEMI, Espen Thorud, Department of Migration, Ministry of Justice. January 2012.
SOPEMI-report for Norway: International Migration 2009-2010. Prepared by the correspondent to SOPEMI, Espen Thorud, Department of Migration, Ministry of Justice. January 2011.
SOPEMI-report for Norway: International Migration 2008-2009. Prepared by the correspondent to SOPEMI, Espen Thorud, Department of Migration, Ministry of Justice. December 2009.
SOPEMI-report for Norway: International Migration 2007-2008. Prepared by the correspondent to SOPEMI, Espen Thorud, Department of Migration, Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion. December 2008.
SOPEMI-report for Norway: International Migration 2006-2007. Prepared by the correspondent to SOPEMI, Espen Thorud, Department of Migration, Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion. December 2007.